Monitoring Web site Performance Successfully

Most website monitoring services send an e-mail once they detect a server outage. Maximizing uptime is important, but it's only area of the picture. It would appear that the expectations of Internet surfers are increasing on a regular basis, and today's users is not going to wait extended for a page to load. When they don't be given a response quickly they are going to move on to the competition, usually within just a few seconds.

A useful website monitoring service is going to do much more than simply send an alert when a The very best services will break down the response duration of a web request into important categories that will enable the system administrator or web master to optimize the server or application to supply the best possible overall response time.

Listed here are 5 key components of response here we are at an HTTP request:

1.DNS Lookup Time: The time it takes to get the authoritative name server for your domain and for that server to solve the hostname provided and return the correct IP address. If this type of time is too long the DNS server must be optimized in order to provide a faster response.

2.Connect Time: It is now time required for the web server to respond to an incoming (TCP) socket connection and order and to respond by setting up the connection. If this describes slow it always indicates the operating system is trying to reply to more requests of computer can handle.

3.SSL Handshake: For pages secured by SSL, this is the time required for either side to negotiate the handshake process and hang up up the secure connection.

4.Time for you to First Byte (TTFB): It is now time it takes for that web server to respond with the first byte of content following the request is shipped. Slow times here more often than not mean the internet application is inefficient. Possible reasons include inadequate server resources, slow database queries and other inefficiencies linked to application development.

5.Time and energy to Last Byte (TTLB): The time has come needed to return all of the content, after the request continues to be processed. If this describes taking too much time it usually shows that the Internet connection is simply too slow or possibly overloaded. Increasing bandwidth or acquiring dedicated bandwidth should resolve this problem.

It is extremely difficult to diagnose slow HTTP response times without all of this information. Without the important response data, administrators are left to guess about where the problem lies. A lot of time and money could be wasted attempting to improve different components of the web application with the hope that something will continue to work. It's possible to completely overhaul a web server and application only to discover the whole problem really was slow DNS responses; a problem which exists on a different server altogether.

Use a website monitoring service that will a lot more than provide simple outage alerts. The most effective services will break the response time into meaningful parts that can allow the administrator in order to identify and correct performance problems efficiently.

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